Stan is a senior lecturer with General Biology with a 50% appointment with the Teaching and Learning Center where he has worked as a Faculty Scholar for seven years. He currently teaches Biology 150: Organismal and Ecological Biology for General Biology. He oversees the TLC’s Teaching Innovation Grants program (formerly Creative Teaching Grants), consult with faculty, and leads or participates in various workshops and institutes. He is also the Faculty Leader for UT’s participation in the Center of the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL). CIRTL promotes and provides faculty development for graduate students in STEM fields with the goal of helping prepare the next generation of faculty for their roles as teachers. In the past, he has also taught EEB/Anthro 305: Evolution and Society, EEB 484: Conservation Biology, and EEB 460: Evolution. Outside of General Biology, he taught FYS 101 for ten years, and in the Governor’s School for the Sciences for seven years.
His current service work involves work on the Classroom Upgrade Subcommittee of the Facilities Fee Committee, tasked with wisely spending over one million dollars of student fee money per year on classroom renovations, technology, and design. He is also a member of the newly formed UTK Open Access Educational Resources Working Group, and the Educational Gaming Working Group. He was recently a member of the committee developing the UTK Quality Enhancement Plan, which completed its work in late 2015. He also served on the committee evaluating learning management platforms at the end of the last and most recent ten-year contract cycles. He has served on numerous faculty and staff search committees, most recently that for the Director of Experience Learning. He was the chair of the search committee for the Assistant Director of the Teaching and Learning Center. In the more distant past he worked with Tennessee Science Olympiad (SO) for over ten years, including three years on the Executive Committee, and as Co-Director of the State SO championship competition held on the UTK campus. For two years he worked with Susan Riechert as Co-PI on her Biology-in-a-Box project.
His research interests are biological conservation, environmental history, phylogeography and natural history of the Southern Appalachian biota, classroom and learning-space design, and determinants of student learning success.
Recent publication:
Olsen, T. and Guffey, S., 2016. Intentional Process for Intentional Space. Journal of Learning Spaces, 5(1).
Other publications:
Guffey, S. 2005. Environmental history of the upper Tennessee valley bioregion. In Nolt, J., ed. A Land Imperiled: The Declining Ecological Health of the Southern Appalachian Bioregion. University of Tennessee Press.
Guffey, S and Nolt, J. 2005. Biota of the upper Tennessee valley bioregion. In Nolt, J., ed. A Land Imperiled: The Declining Ecological Health of the Southern Appalachian Bioregion. University of Tennessee Press.
Galbreath, P.F., Adams, N.D., Guffey, S.Z. Moore, C.J. and West, J.L. 2001. Persistence of native southern Appalachian brook trout populations in the Pigeon River System of North Carolina. N. Am. J. Fish. Manag. 21:927-934. 2001
Guffey, S.Z., McCracken, G.F., Moore, S. and Parker, C.R. 1998. Southern Appalachian brook trout. In Ecosystem Management for sustainability: Principles and Practices Illustrated by the Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere Program, J. Peine, ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Hayes, J.P., Guffey, S.Z., Kriegler, F.J., McCracken, G.F. and Parker, C.R. 1996.The genetic diversity of native, stocked, and hybrid populations of brook trout in the southern Appalachians. Conserv. Biol. 10:1403-1412.
McCracken, G.F., Parker, C.R. Guffey, S.Z.. 1993. Genetic differentiation between stocked hatchery and native trout in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 122:533-542.